chapels & scaffolds

Posted on Jul 15, 2017
chapels & scaffolds

As I mentioned in the last post, I’m starting a regular studio report, giving a quick run down at what we’ve been up to that week. Lately, we’ve been busy working on a handful of shots that show our monks labouring away at building the chapel that is so central to this story. This update is mostly going to be photos, hope you enjoy this peek inside our process!

Monks hard at work, at a variety of scales.

Here is Josh animating on the rig, and on the right you can see the scene being viewed from an ipad I’ve hooked up to allow me to check the scene while I’m working on the lighting and away from the main monitor. We’re using an app called Duet Display to mirror the screen, and it’s been a huge help having this remote view of the scene!

In this image you can see the development of the shot – from my scribbly storyboard, to Ellen’s beautiful art, then the paper version on the rig but with no lighting…

…and the final shot, with complete with magic hour lighting and moody skies. The camera does a nice little move, tracking the monk climbing the path with his heavy sack of rocks, up to the chapel.


Finishing up this weeks report with a few close ups of the scene, so you can get a feel for how the paper cutouts work. Takes a while to get these scenes broken down, cut out, assembled, and lit – but damn, I love the way the finished shots look!

See you all next week!

– Jim